Friday, January 23, 2009

HAHA HELLO! :D today's fun! morning woke up and chionged to wash up and change and didnt have time to eat breakfast. :( then went to school and almost late again. hah. then went down the class to collect the cca form and had morning assembly. had briefing and then the 2.4km walk. LOL. notbadnotbad la. hehe cant believe im saying it but i very long never exercise alr. HAHA. and we were like saying happy new year to every passer by so that we will win the competition. HAHA. but it was also to "SPREAD THE LOVE LA" says yong qing. HAHAHA. anw, we had to create the "fu" word in chinese using our classmates LOL. kinda cool. but in the end we dint win the competition but izzokay! :D we had fun ! muahaha. then had recess, finally cause im starving. i didnt had breakfast. then had the concert, was different from primary school! was entertaining and the superstars of kcpss were great. :D then dismissed at around 12.10 and i waited with julyn and darilyn till 1 but darilyn went home first cause her dad came alr. then i went to change to number 1 tee and julyn went for her library cca while i went for the girl guides meeting. WALAO it was until 2.30 la then too late to go pei chun alr. NOOO :(. wasted. but met aloysius and the rest at j8 and lunched at mac. then i went off first to elaine's house ! <3 haha had a great time! we chatted and watched goong. DAMN CUTE THE GUY! *screams* then had dinner (thanks elaine!) and had a sharing chat with elaine in her room. (LOL). haha! wednesday ah! *winks at elaine* then sat around awhile and bused home. HAHA LONG BUT GREAT DAY ! :D YAY.


i've learnt to let go.

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