Saturday, December 6, 2008

1) The person that tag/pass me this is?

2) The relationship between him/her is?

3) Your 5 expressions of him/her is?
hmm. hyper, sleeep very late, funny, kind of emo i guess :/, don't like dead blogs LOL :D

4) Most memorable thing he/she done for you?
not sure :x

5) Most memorable thing he/she said to you?
asked me to revive my blog. XD

6) If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on?
LOL. he's my friend :p

7) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
that'll not happen but if it does then maybe ignore him? o.O

8) What is the thing that you want to tell him/her now?
you're a great friend and my blog's revived! :D

9) Your overall impression of him/her is??
sleeeps very late but still hyper :B

10) How do you think the people around you feel about you?
no idea. :/

11) The character you love about yourself is?
argh i hate these kind of questions.

12) On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
maybe sensitive?

13) The most ideal person you want to be is?
I want to stay who i am. (:

14) For people who cares and likes you, say something to them.
I love you all ! <3

15)Pass the quiz to 10 people that you want to know how they feel about you.
1.joey 2. shir 3. xinying 4. nikki 5. alethea 6.rui yu 7.chi yuan 8.claudia 9.alex 10. heather

16) Who is No. 6 having relationship with? [ rui yu ]
nobody i guess :/

17) Is No. 9 female or male? [ alex]

18) If No. 7 and No. 10 be together, will it be a good thing? [chi yuan and heather]
they won't. they're both girls. :D

19) What is No.2 studying about? [ shir ]
hmm. sec 2 stuff. XD

20) When was the last time you chat with No. 3? [ xinying ]
i guess a few weeks ago. :( sadsad.

21) What kind of music does No. 8 like? [ claudia ]
iknowiknow! boys like girls XD

22) Does No.1 has siblings? [joey ]

23) Will you WOO No. 3? [ xinying ]
nope. haha:D girl leh.

24) How about No. 7? [ chiyuan ]
we're friends :) and she's a girl.

25) Is No. 4 single? [nikki ]
yes. XD

26) What is the surname of No.5? [ alethea ]

27) What is the hobby of No. 10? [heather ]
not sure. :x

28) Does No. 5 and No. 9 get along well? [ alethea and alex ]
i think they dont know each other. :/

29) Where is No.2 studying at? [shir ]
kcpss. :D

30) Talk something about No. 1? [joey ]

31) have you tried developing feelings for No.8? [claudia ]
Nope. friends(: and she's a girl.

32) Where does No. 9 stay? [alex ]
i think tpy.

33) Are you No.1 and No.5 best friend? [joey and alethea ]
dont know each other.

34) Does No.1 has pets? [joey ]
nope. she wants a dog though. XD

35) Is No.7 the sexiest person in the world? [ chiyuan ]
yess! LOL XD

36) What is No.1 doing now? [ joey ]
i guess she's with alim. :B

omg took so long to do that. :x oh and if you dont want to do then dont. i wrote the names because of the questions haha. let me post about the camp.

Day 1
hmm. went to church and gathered there and when everyone arrived they started briefing us about the camp and we separated into our groups. im like the youngest :x felt so extra. anyway we started our first game which is the amazing race where we have clues then go around singapore omg. first time i walked so long. almost died. :B we went to singapore river then to tpy then to j8 then to fareast then to kovan then to some mrt station then to somewhere near heartland mall took a bus to plmgps which is payalebar methodist girls pri school. then it was around 6. we walked from late morning to evening! :O worth it though. then had dinner bathed worshiped reflections about the camp with our groups and went to sleep. OMG WE SLEPT IN THE CLASSROOM. so hard the floor :x. ohoh and we had barbeque for dinner(!!) loved it. <3
Day 2
we woke up at 7 plus am i think. then we had morning exercise. oh gosh(!!) did some yoga thing. LOL we looked like fools stretching our legs and stuff. HAHA JOKING XD then had breakfast, group quiet time, worship, and freee time. :B then had lunch (i forgot what we ate) and wet games omg loved it <33. water bombs, soap detergent and flour LOL. coool manxzs. then showered for like 5 mins omg i cant believe i did that . anyway then dinner was gulping everthing down LOL XD damn hungry. then had worship. then we last group so we were last to go for the night walk. we watched LOST while waiting. almost fell asleeep. haha. then it was soo cool la then night walk. the school was so big and there were no lights on purposely. then we walked in the dark sometimes stopping to play some games. omg so freaky. :x then had reflections as a group showered again and lights out. this time we never secretly played cards and chatted already because everyone was damn tired. :DD great day. loved it <33
Day 3
woked up and supposed to have morning exercise again but cancelled because the previous night slept too late. haha :B then breakfast , group quiet time , worship , free time and we discussed our skit each group had to act at night and then lunch. oh we ate roti prata. it was great but alot of us had stomachache after that LOL. then free time and then trust walk. OMG IT WAS GREAT. everybody(except one) was blindfolded as in the group and one of us have to guide the rest of us in the walk which lasted damn long. there were like chairs and strings and tables which we sometime have to climb over andand lots of distractions there was one at the room saying some kind of apple story to distract us. OMG DAMN CUTE. XDD then finished alr we played captains ball. actually played it first then go trust walk LOL. then dinner which was pizza and western food . <33 then showered. assembled at the room and each group acted their skit. our was like spongebob and madagascar mix together. damn cute! then had worship which was like on fire as it was so powerful! then had reflections again. that night was the last night sleeping there so everyone was ton-ning. XD i slept at 5plus am. woke up at 8plus i think. i was like chatting all night long with cousins and some group mates. XD loved it. <33
Day 4
woke up then had breakfast. everybody was damn tired because all slept afew hours only. LOL. then clean up the school and set off back to tpmc. had short worship there and took pictures. then we went home! XD

great camp , great worship, great games, great people. loved it <33
andand the food was damn nice. i got on camera OMG when i was sleeping and going to wake up that period. and i was still sleeeping they go shoot! omg paiseh :x.
HAHA SO LONG EH THIS POST. LONGEST ONE EVER. YAY XD not posting for few more days or weeks alr LOL.
kk byebye :B

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